New Gen, Newer Audience… New Media
The regular readers of Nano Digest are very much aware of the eventful journey that Nano Digest has been taking over the last 12 years. The struggles and happiness, the disappointments and surprises, all these have been a common factor for Nano Digest team. But never did we take a back step, in fact it has always been a daring and risky step forward. Some have supported us while few have criticized and few others have stayed away, but at the end of the day Nano Digest survives and continues to be the leading platform for science and technology communication in India.
On the other hand, Nano Digest team has not been blind about the various
developments that are taking places around the global, socially, economically and also media-wise. It has always kept in track with the latest and has been adapting itself for emerging trends in publishing and media.
We started with publication, distributed it free for more than two years, then made it subscription based magazine. Thanks to our readers, they accepted the step and subscribed the magazine. It was clear within three years, publication was not just enough and we started our website. Over a period of three years, the website became a top portal for Nanotechnology. It was deliberately kept that nothing in publication will be repeated in website, so it was independent while connected Nano Digest magazine.
Later with social media catching up Nano Digest was too fast to understand its capabilities and started Facebook page, a twitter handle and deciphered news in new formats. These have been supplementing the publication and also creating a new set of readers over a period.
The recent trends in media are videos. Short, informative and attractive videos are ruling the roost on social media and elsewhere. Nano Digest has found that there is a severe dearth of science information told in exciting and attractive manner for the young minds. And we thought it was the space that Nano Digest
has to be and provide the best of content which would appeal to all the stakeholders of science and technology.
This was the reason for Nano TV – The Science Channel to emerge. Addressing the new media and aptly supported by high level of social marketing across different platforms, Nano TV with its launch has already made an impact. Nano Digest has formed an independent team in Hyderabad and Bangalore to produce
high-quality and informative science videos that will reach out to people through the Youtube channel. Keeping in tune with the changing times as well as providing the right kind of information to the new generation of content consumers in a media that is very much suitable to them is a bigger challenge.
Nano Digest team has never gone back on facing challenges and with the support of eminent personalities who will be part of Nano TV is a sure shot winner. Within 10 days of its launch the pulse was felt and we look to deliver the best of science & technology on your favourite devices. Just subscribe to
Enjoy best of science content in all media, provided by Nano Digest.
-K Jayadev
This time of every year we have numerous and interesting survey reports on the status of higher education and this year the results of these surveys are more startling than ever before. This year too we have different reports that have come and these have prompted them us to change our Lead Story at the last minute.
The Human Resource Development Ministry published the 2018-19 edition of the AISHE Report 2019, which has thrown up some startling findings and revelations about the higher education sector in the country. All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) is an annual report that is published by the HRD Ministry to given an overview and understand about the latest developments in the field of higher education. Only 2.5 percent colleges in the country run PhD programmes and maximum students opt for PhD in science stream, according to the All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE) by the HRD Ministry. A total
of 1, 69,170 students are enrolled in PhD programmes that is less than 0.5 percent of the total student enrollment.
Data regarding the survey
For the annual survey, the higher education institutions are categorized into 3 broad categories--university, college, and stand-alone institutions. A total of
962 universities; 38,179 colleges and 9190 stand-alone institutions participated in the survey for the year 2018-19.
Only 2.5 percent colleges run PhD programme and 34.9 percent colleges run post graduate-level programmes. At PhD level, maximum numbers of students out-turn are in science stream followed by engineering and technology. On the other hand at PG level maximum students outturn is observed in social science
and management stream comes at number two, according to the survey report.
The share of PhD.student is highest in State Public University (34.3 pc) followed by Institute of National Importance (21.6 pc), Deemed University-Private (21.6 pc) and State Private University (13.4 pc)
79.8 percent of students are enrolled in UG programmes
The ASHE report pointed out that about 79.8 pc of students are enrolled in an undergraduate level programme.
There are 34.8 percent colleges, which run an only single programme, out of which 83.1 percent are privately managed.
Among these privately managed colleges, 38.1 percent of colleges run B.Ed courses only. 77.8 percent colleges are privately managed, 64.3 pc private-unaided and 13.5 pc private-aided.
Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have about 88 percent privateunaided
colleges and Tamil Nadu has 87 percent private-unaided colleges, whereas, Assam has 16 percent.
It is interesting to note that though the world is at the cusp of industrial revolution 4.0, AI and Machine Learning, we see a drop in the enrolments for technology-led courses. It is important that the government invests and encourages people to pursue higher education as is the trend world over and provides the right kind of infrastructure support to such institutions.
More than interest, choosing a stream now a days depends mostly on the availability of jobs in the market. On the other hand, companies also look for resources which fit their budget. Very few companies in India focus on R&D.
Hence, the requirement of Researchers is less. This is an area of concern that needs to be addressed.
The other important thing that issue focuses upon is CSIR. We have a Special Section on CSIR featured within this issue to commemorate the Foundation Day of CSIR. We thank CECRI and other institutes for sharing information and making this issue interesting.
Nano Digest has expanded into a complete multi-media platform. It has recently launched Nano TV with Knowledge Series. Dr Tata Narasinga Rao's five part Understanding Nano with Dr Tata is already available free to air on Youtube channel. Currently we are running Microscopy with Dr Partha. We continue to have different series under Knowledge, Corporate and Academic Series. Please interested to participate can contact us.
Physically, Nano Digest has initiated inter-college Nano Quiz 2019 for colleges based in Hyderabad. This is a unique and most coveted event that Nano Digest has initiated and is already being held. Soon, Nano Clubs would be started in high schools of Hyderabad where we try into build scientific and Nanotechnology
temper in young minds.
Full of action and all these will be featured regularly in your magazine. Keep looking for them.
Just subscribe to
The Human Resource Development Ministry published the 2018-19 edition of the AISHE Report 2019, which has thrown up some startling findings and revelations about the higher education sector in the country. All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) is an annual report that is published by the HRD Ministry to given an overview and understand about the latest developments in the field of higher education. Only 2.5 percent colleges in the country run PhD programmes and maximum students opt for PhD in science stream, according to the All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE) by the HRD Ministry. A total
of 1, 69,170 students are enrolled in PhD programmes that is less than 0.5 percent of the total student enrollment.
Data regarding the survey
For the annual survey, the higher education institutions are categorized into 3 broad categories--university, college, and stand-alone institutions. A total of
962 universities; 38,179 colleges and 9190 stand-alone institutions participated in the survey for the year 2018-19.
Only 2.5 percent colleges run PhD programme and 34.9 percent colleges run post graduate-level programmes. At PhD level, maximum numbers of students out-turn are in science stream followed by engineering and technology. On the other hand at PG level maximum students outturn is observed in social science
and management stream comes at number two, according to the survey report.
The share of PhD.student is highest in State Public University (34.3 pc) followed by Institute of National Importance (21.6 pc), Deemed University-Private (21.6 pc) and State Private University (13.4 pc)
79.8 percent of students are enrolled in UG programmes
The ASHE report pointed out that about 79.8 pc of students are enrolled in an undergraduate level programme.
There are 34.8 percent colleges, which run an only single programme, out of which 83.1 percent are privately managed.
Among these privately managed colleges, 38.1 percent of colleges run B.Ed courses only. 77.8 percent colleges are privately managed, 64.3 pc private-unaided and 13.5 pc private-aided.
Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have about 88 percent privateunaided
colleges and Tamil Nadu has 87 percent private-unaided colleges, whereas, Assam has 16 percent.
It is interesting to note that though the world is at the cusp of industrial revolution 4.0, AI and Machine Learning, we see a drop in the enrolments for technology-led courses. It is important that the government invests and encourages people to pursue higher education as is the trend world over and provides the right kind of infrastructure support to such institutions.
More than interest, choosing a stream now a days depends mostly on the availability of jobs in the market. On the other hand, companies also look for resources which fit their budget. Very few companies in India focus on R&D.
Hence, the requirement of Researchers is less. This is an area of concern that needs to be addressed.
The other important thing that issue focuses upon is CSIR. We have a Special Section on CSIR featured within this issue to commemorate the Foundation Day of CSIR. We thank CECRI and other institutes for sharing information and making this issue interesting.
Nano Digest has expanded into a complete multi-media platform. It has recently launched Nano TV with Knowledge Series. Dr Tata Narasinga Rao's five part Understanding Nano with Dr Tata is already available free to air on Youtube channel. Currently we are running Microscopy with Dr Partha. We continue to have different series under Knowledge, Corporate and Academic Series. Please interested to participate can contact us.
Physically, Nano Digest has initiated inter-college Nano Quiz 2019 for colleges based in Hyderabad. This is a unique and most coveted event that Nano Digest has initiated and is already being held. Soon, Nano Clubs would be started in high schools of Hyderabad where we try into build scientific and Nanotechnology
temper in young minds.
Full of action and all these will be featured regularly in your magazine. Keep looking for them.
Just subscribe to
-K Jayadev
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